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The Discerning Investor

Personal Portfolio Management in Retirement for Lawyers

(and Their Clients)

The Discerning Investor is a book for investors 

who happen to be lawyers . . .  

written by a lawyer 

who happens to be "investment counsel." 

Read Chapter 1

Editorial Review

“Jason’s presentation is intellectually rigorous—instead of self-help-style nostrums, she furnishes concrete, actionable advice substantiated with empirical data. Moreover, despite necessary excursions into technicality, this is a thoroughly readable book that will be entirely accessible to those with a limited understanding of investment strategy.

“Another of its virtues is that it never dispenses hyperbolic promises and unflinchingly confronts the reality of risk: ‘In my experience, the most satisfied investors are those who embrace the investor’s dilemma, understanding that risk (uncertainty) and reward (high returns) are forever and always intertwined.’

“Overall, this is an impressively informative book that attests to the author’s 30-plus years of experience in the financial industry.”

Kirkus Reviews

Read what the experts say about this book

"As a consultant to law firms, I can give it to you straight: Every partner of every large law firm should not only read The Discerning Investor for his or her own benefit, but also provide a copy to every new partner and associate."  

Peter Giuliani, career law firm business consultant, Partner, Smock Law Firm Consultants

"This is the one book lawyers and clients should read to become knowledgeable about retirement planning."  

Harvey Pitt, former SEC Chairman; CEO of Global Business Consultancy, Kalorama Partners, LLC

“As an investment management lawyer representing investment advisers and broker-dealers, I have seen it all.  From overreaching sales practices and unfair marketing to outright fraud. The Discerning Investor lays out the law governing the investment advice industry and will help you make one of the most difficult decisions in your life—selecting a financial institution and financial adviser to help with your investments.” 

Max Schatzow, Esq., Co-founder & Partner of RIA Lawyers, LLC

The Discerning Investor will help you look beyond a professional’s veneer and ferret out what will help you or your client determine if he or she is the right fit. Any lawyer familiar with business due diligence will savor this book.”  

Cliff Ennico, lawyer, nationally syndicated columnist; author of 16 books

* * *

The author, Julie Jason, JD, LLM, has the unique experience of working under two regulatory environments: as a lawyer and executive on Wall Street with a registered broker-dealer and on Main Street with a registered investment adviser. 

Her firm, Jackson, Grant Investment Advisers, Inc. of Stamford, CT (www.jacksongrantus.com), functions as an independent investment counsel to high-net-worth families. A longtime advocate for financial literacy education, she writes and lectures on topics relating to investor protection and investor education. Email Julie at julie@juliejason.com

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