Julie's Contributions
Not Your Mother's Retirement:
Secrets for Today's Women to Live Fully During the Best Years of Life
Julie Jason contributed the first chapter, "Achieving Financial Independence: How Women Can Create Retirement Wealth," to Not Your Mother’s Retirement (Edited by Mark Chimsky). The book is geared to women in their forties and fifties. It is a user-friendly resource for planning for the future while you still have enough time to do it. It contains 20 “fun and inspiring” essays contributed by more than 20 retirement experts on a pro-bono basis to benefit cancer research and prevention.
65 Things To Do When You Retire:
More Than 65 Notable Achievers on How to Make the Most of the Rest of Your Life
Julie Jason contributed Chapter 24, "Managing Retirement Wealth Without a Crystal Ball," to 65 Things to Do When You Retire (Edited by Mark Chimsky). The book is a collection of 65 essays from experts in retirement and others, providing practical and entertaining advice about how to create a fulfilling retirement. Contributors provided their essays on a pro-bono basis to benefit cancer research and prevention.