Do You Think You Can’t Afford A 401(k)? Check Your W-4
Can’t afford a 401(k)? Don’t make that decision before you check your W-4 withholding, especially if you get a tax refund.
Can’t afford a 401(k)? Don’t make that decision before you check your W-4 withholding, especially if you get a tax refund.
While the penalty for a missed RMD has been reduced from 50% to 25% (and possibly 10%), it shouldn’t alter your approach for taking timely RMDs.
When it comes to required minimum distributions and required beginning dates, be guided by your tax adviser.
A recent change in the age for required minimum distributions from 72 to 73 has caused “mischaracterized” RMDs.
If you haven’t yet taken the required minimum distribution from your IRA for 2023, consider a qualified charitable distribution.
Generation Z investors, the oldest of whom turn 26 in 2023, are saving for retirement; learning from family is key.
Considering that Roth IRA withdrawals are not taxable neither to the Roth IRA owner nor to the Roth IRA beneficiary, you may think it odd that an excise tax (penalty) applies if someone who inherits a Roth fails to take his RMDs.
As an eligible designated beneficiary, you can choose between the 10-year rule and the single life expectancy option for your inherited Roth IRA.